Carrier Ac Units, Mini-split AC, and GeoThermal Products in Virginia
Cundiff Heating and Air offers Carrier Greenspeed products to keep the temperature in your home feeling good all year round. In addition, we offer Ductless heating and cooling systems to regulate the temperature in your home without the need for ductwork. And lastly, Cundiff Heating and Air can install a Geothermal heating and cooling system in your home that taps into the ground's consistent temperatures and utilizes this to provide your home or office with central heating and cooling. Click on the tabs below to learn more about Carrier, Ductless, and Geothermal products.

With infinite adjustments between 40% and 100% capacity, it gives the home only the amount of cooling or heating necessary.This allows the system to operate longer at steadier, lower capacities, which ensures incredible energy efficiency and quiet operation with tighter temperature control than standard systems. Standard Features -Sound: as low as 58 decibels -Greenspeed intelligence -Optimal humidity and temperature control -Variable-speed compressor operation for ultimate comfort and quiet -Compressor sound blanket and Silencer System II™ design -Filter drier system protection from moisture and contaminants -Ideal Defrost heating operation with Infinity control -WeatherArmor™ Ultra protection -Non-ozone depleting Puron® refrigerant -10-year parts limited warranty

You may also hear them called mini-split, multi-split, or variable refrigerant flow (VRF) heat pump systems. They are an increasingly popular, cost-effective solution to replace inefficient baseboard electric heating and window air conditioners in older homes. They are also used in new construction, home additions, multi-family (condo or apartment) housing, and to improve comfort in poorly heated or cooled rooms. ​ ENERGY STAR qualified ductless heating and cooling systems: -Save you money -Give you comfort and control -No ducts required -Can deliver both heating and cooling -Proven technology

No matter what climate you live in, the temperature throughout the year varies. For some climates that means blazing summers that cool to frigid winters. What many people don’t realize is that the temperature below ground, regardless of climate or season, stays fairly consistent all year. The ground is able to maintain a higher rate of temperature consistency because it absorbs 47% of the suns energy (heat) as it hits the Earth’s surface. Geothermal systems are able to tap into this free energy with an earth loop. This technology is then used to provide your home or office with central heating and cooling.